How to solve the holiday portrait displaying blues!! A question that a lot are asking this year is "I would love to have a christmas session done but I don't know what to do with my last year portraits". How to keep displaying christmas portraits year after year!! First is never throw out your christmas portraits. If there is a size that you always order, keep ordering that same size you never need to keep replacing that beautiful frame that you have. You just place the new portrait in front of the one from previous years and keep doing that year after year. Then you will always know where your older portraits are.
After your children get older start displaying two different years together, have the newest one on display and go back a few years and display that one along with it. So sweet to show in just a few years between the portraits how fast time goes by and how precious memories are. You can never have enough family portraits. Ready to book your session we have a great mini session going on.